Exemplary Elementary Schools in Katy, TX

Exemplary Elementary Schools in Katy, TX

Katy Independent School District is a flourishing suburban school district that stretches over 181 square miles in southeast Texas. Its eastern boundaries stretch to Houston’s energy corridor approximately, 16 miles west of downt​own Houston, and extend along Interstate 10 to a few miles west of the city of Katy.

In the 2013-14 school year, student enrollment has grown to more than 66,500 and served by 58 schools – including seven four-year high schools.  Given the highest possible rating by the Texas Education Agency, Katy ISD offers an outstanding instructional program with facilities, equipment and materials that are among the best in the state. Students in Katy ISD scored above the state average in every grade level of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test, and their SAT and ACT scores also remain above both the state and national averages.


Below you can see the ratings by education level for Katy versus Texas.



Katy ISD Staff Statistics

​Total Staff  8,522
​Teachers 4,340
​Professional support personnel ​724
​Administrators ​241
​Support staff ​2,664
​Teachers with advanced degrees ​24.60%
​Average years of teaching experience ​11.1
​Average experience in Katy ISD ​6.7
​Percentage of teachers with more than 10 years of experience ​44.70%
​Average 2013-14 teacher salary ​$52,881
​Average students per teacher ​15.6

 Katy ISD Student Profile

​Total Students (2013-14) ​57,213
White ​40.89%
​Hispanic ​34.22%
​​African-American ​​9.48%
​Asian/Pacific Islander ​​12.37%
​​Native American ​​0.41%
At-Risk 37.45%
​Low Income 28.96%
Limited English Proficient 14.15%
​in Special Education ​8.59%
​in Career Technology Education 18.13%
​in Bilingual/English as a Second Language ​14.15%
​in Gifted/Talented ​6.71%
​in Title I programs        19.52%


Below you can find the list of Exemplary Elementary Schools located in Katy


When determining where you want to plant your roots, and you have small children, focusing on good schools is usually a #1 priority. If you decide to establish your home in Katy, you can rest assured knowing that your children will be in good hands. Read the Katy ISD newsletter and find up to date on information about Katy ISD HERE.

Search for Homes for Sale around these exemplary elementary schools by clicking HERE.

If I can help you and guide you through the home buying process please contact me today @ 617-869-9015. I’m here to answer any and all questions you may have.

Feel Free to Text or E-mail me at Alyssa.Endres@ibuyrealty.com